Lexeri offers term checks directly in XMetaL Author by means of a plugin. This allows you to check XML documents for correct terminology, search the termbase or upload a document for term extraction.
XMetaL Author is a professional XML editor that is frequently used in technical writing, content management and document creation. It enables authors to edit XML-based documents. Many of our customers use XMetaL Author as an editor for the Quanos Schema ST4 content management system.
You can download the plugin via our website: https://www.lexeri.com/loesungen/terminologie-pruefung/plug-ins/lexeri-xmetal-plugin-download
After downloading, you must unzip the zip package. This contains a folder “lexeri” and a macro file “lexeri.mcr”. These two datasets must be copied to the XMetaL Author installation folder. You may need administration rights on your PC for this.
Copying the installation files
The installation folder for XMetaL Author is usually called "C:\Program Files\XMetaL 18.0\Author". Depending on the configuration, the folder may also be located on a hard disk other than C: or contain a different version number.
Copy the folder “lexeri”
You will find a folder "lexeri" in the zip package. This must be copied to the XMetaL Author installation folder: "C:\Program Files\XMetaL 18.0\Author"
Copying the macro file "lexeri.mcr"
The macro file "lexeri.mcr" must be copied to the StartUp directory in the XMetaL Author installation folder: "C:\Program Files\XMetaL 18.0\Author\Startup".
After copying the files, you must restart XMetaL Author so that it recognizes the Lexeri plugin.
Starting the plugin
Once you have copied the installation files, you can start the plugin using the "Lexeri Show" macro. To execute this macro, open the macro dialog. To do this, select "Tools" in the main menu and then select the "Macros" menu item.
A list of installed macros opens. Search for the "Lexeri Show" macro in this list, select it and then click on the "Run" button.
The familiar Lexeri interface will open in the Resource Manager. You can log in here with your email address and then check the currently open document.