Tags are keywords that typify a term entry. You can specify tags to enter information about a term entry in a concise and formulaic way.
Use of entry tags
Entry tags can be used in a variety of ways and, depending on a company's requirements, can provide different kinds of additional information about an entry that may be important to users of the terminology. For example, tags can refer to the following aspects:
- Type of document
- Original context
- Relevance
- Target group
- Validity
- ...
Entries can therefore be grouped more specifically, in addition to being sorted into termbases and subject areas. This can be helpful if the categories are not rigid and have been maintained in the corporate terminology for a long time.
Adding tags to term entries
You can enter either one or more tags for each term entry.
Tags can be added to the right of the term entry under General points.
To do this, click on the plus sign in the Tags section.
You can then add a new tag or select a tag that is already used in your termbase.
Click on the green tick mark to save the tag and it will be shown immediately in the term entry under General points.