Lexeri term extraction uses NLP text analysis to automatically identify potential terms in your texts and outputs them as a list of candidate terms for revision.
This allows you to extract the terminology already used in your company texts from the documents and prepare and save them as official terms for your termbase.
- Extract term candidates from a text
- Edit candidate list
- Prepare confirmed term candidates for the termbase
Extract term candidates from a text
You can perform a term extraction in Lexeri as part of a task on the task board.
To do this, select the task "Term extraction" from the list.
In the next step, use the drop-down menu to select the termbase in which the terminology is to be added and the language of the text from which the term candidates are to be extracted.
Click on "Next".
A dialog will then open which allows you to upload the document that you wish to use for the term extraction.
The following formats, among others, are supported by Lexeri term extraction:
- Word
- Excel
- PowerPoint
If you would like to perform a term extraction from a different text format, please contact us: https://www.lexeri.com/kontakt/
As soon as you have selected or added a file, it is analyzed directly in the background and the candidate list is created from the document.
As soon as the analysis is complete, the generated candidate list appears in the extraction task created.
Edit candidate list
Confirm or reject term candidates directly
You can now select from the candidate list which terms you would like to transfer to your termbase and which are irrelevant for you and should be rejected.
You can confirm or reject the term candidate directly in the list:
To do this, hover over the respective term candidate with the cursor. A green icon appears to confirm and a red icon to reject.
Confirmed term candidates move to the Confirmed area along with their current editing status and are created there as draft terms.
Under the candidate list, you can switch between the Confirmed area and Open area, with the term candidates that are still open.
Lexeri remembers rejected term candidates and no longer suggests them as term candidates for future term extractions in this termbase.
You can also confirm individual term candidates within the open entry.
To do this, click on a candidate in the list. The candidate entry opens with additional information and further suggestions.
At the top right of the entry view, you can also decide on the candidate using the "Confirm" or "Reject" buttons.
Customize term candidates
If you want to edit or adjust the term candidate before confirming, you have several options in the open candidate entry.
In the title bar, you can make direct lexical changes to the term, for example if you want to change it from plural to singular, change an inflected form to the basic form or change the spelling.
Click on the green tick to apply the change.
Adopt occurrences as usage example
In the candidate entry you will also find the occurrences of the term from the extracted document.
These are the sentences in the extracted text in which the selected term candidate occurs.
You can transfer individual occurrences directly into the termbase as a usage example for the subsequent term entry by clicking on the plus on the right in the occurrence field.
The occurrence is then earmarked for the subsequent term and created as a usage example in the draft term when the term candidate is confirmed.
Neighboring terms
On the right-hand side of the open candidate entry you will find a column with neighboring term candidates from the extracted document.
This shows you term groups from the extracted document that were found in textual proximity to the opened term candidate (e.g. more often in the same sentence).
You can confirm or reject term candidates from the "Neighboring terms" group using the batch selection explained below.
Batch selection: Confirm several term candidates at the same time
Instead of confirming or rejecting term candidates individually, you can also do this collectively with several term candidates at the same time.
To do this, select the term candidates to be edited from the list using the selection box.
You can also select term candidates from the "Neighboring terms" area. These can also be selected via the selection box.
All candidates that you have selected are displayed in the editing menu at the bottom.
You can remove them individually from the selection using the "x" on the term candidate.
You can use the drop-down arrow to show and hide the selected term candidates.
You can use the "Deselect" button to delete all selected term candidates from the selection and the selection menu disappears.
While you have selected several term candidates, you can still make edits to individual term candidates.
To do this, click on the respective term in the selection, a term candidate from the list or a candidate from the neighboring terms.
The respective term candidate opens and you can make the desired edits and also accept occurrences.
The selection remains unchanged.
You can use the "Confirm all" or "Reject all" buttons to confirm or reject all term candidates added to the selection.
Prepare confirmed term candidates for the termbase
Systematize terms
In the "Confirmed" area, you have the option of merging several term candidates into one entry.
This is particularly helpful if you discover prohibited terms among the term candidates and want to save them explicitly as such in the termbase, or if you want to merge synonyms into one entry.
Open a draft from the term list in the "Confirmed" area.
Click on "Add candidates" at the top right to add one or more unconfirmed term candidates to this draft entry.
The area with the open term candidates opens again.
Here you now select the term candidates that you want to transfer to the previously opened, already confirmed draft entry.
Click on the yellow "Add to draft term" button to confirm the selected term candidates and add them to the respective draft entry.
You will be directed to the updated draft entry, which now contains all confirmed term candidates.
Edit and publish drafts
All confirmed term candidates are collected as a draft in the "Confirmed" area. You can edit these draft entries as usual and provide additional information and languages.
When you have finished editing and want to publish the drafts in the termbase, click on "Finish work" in the task menu on the left.
All confirmed term candidates from the "Confirmed" section are then published as terms in the termbase.