Term databases are constantly evolving and must be supplemented, modified and re-systematised as a company's document base grows.
Lexeri provides a workflow for terminology creation and maintenance in which your employees can work together on the term database according to their roles and rights: Terminology managers can create terminologytasks in their terminology questions board and pass them on to terminologists for processing.
Prepare terminology tasks
Create a term task on the board
New terminology tasks can be created in the terminology question board on the basis of accepted terminology questions.
To do this, select the respective accepted request in your board and then click on 'Create new task' in the request view.
You can also create a new task directly in the terminology questions board without having to make a request:
A form opens in which you can define your terminology task in more detail. Enter the type of task, a title, a deadline for the terminologists and a general briefing in which you can give the terminologists specific information about the task.
Click on Save to create the task in your terminology question board in the column ‘tasks in preparation’, and the detailed view of your term task will open. Depending on the type of task, you can define further parameters such as responsible terminologists and languages of the task and then assign the work to the terminologists.
Task type: Create new term entry
With this type of task, you assign one or more terminologists to add completely new entries to the termbase. This requires new source language terms to be first created in a new entry as part of this task. These can then be augmented as desired with terms in other languages.
Task type: Edit term entries
With this task type, you assign terminologists to edit entries already in the term database and, for example, to add terms in new languages to the entry or to edit the attributes of an entry.
Since this task type refers to existing term entries in the database, terminology managers can use the Term Editor of the task to select the entries to be edited. These are then also displayed to the terminologists in their term editor when they are assigned, and they can edit them selectively.
Select languages and terminologists for a term task
You can define the languages and respective terminologists for the task in the 'Languages and terminologists' area in the task view.
In the first form, select the languages in which terms are to be added for this task.
This form differs depending on the type of task.
If you have previously selected the Task type ‘Create new term entries’ for the task, you must first specify a source language here.
This is the language in which terminology is usually initially created in your company and in which the assigned terminologists add the first terms to this task.
Only when terms have been created in the source language can terms in other languages be added to the entries.
You can also select these other language(s) as target languages for the task in this form.
By clicking on 'Apply', fields for the added languages will appear in the task view, where you can now add the responsible terminologists per language.
Clicking on 'Add terminologist' opens a list of users who can be selected for this task. Clicking on 'Select' adds the terminologist to the task, and it appears in the field of the respective language.
This allows you to add one or more responsible terminologists to the task for each language.
Prepare the terminology editor
In the tab 'Term entries' in the navigation of a task is the term editor, in which terminologists can execute the task after their assignment and, depending on the task type, create new entries or edit existing ones.
The terminology is in a draft status here and can only be transferred to the database by the terminology manager when he/she has completed a task in the terminology questions board.
Using 'Add entry', as a terminology manager for the Task type 'Edit term entries' you can add existing entries from the term database to a task to be edited by the terminologists.
A dialogue opens in which you can search for terminology in the current term database using the Fuzzy search and filters and add it to the term editor.
In addition, you can use the filter 'Missing languages' to find out in which entries terms are still missing in certain languages that are already present in other entries of the term database.
If you select 'Japanese', for example, all entries in the database will be listed that do not yet contain a Japanese term.
You can then add these collectively to the task and have them completed in Japanese by the terminologists.
Use the check boxes next to the terms to select one or more desired terms, and by clicking 'Select all' at the bottom left of the form you can select all the displayed terms at the same time.
Use the button 'Select entries' to add all selected entries to the task.
The added entries then appear in the term editor of the task.
These term entries are also displayed to the responsible terminologists in their term editor from the time of assignment, and they can carry out their editing in a targeted manner.
Share tasks for terminologists
When you have finished preparing the term task, added all the information and terminologists, click 'Start work' at the top of the task view to assign the task to the selected terminologists.
They will then receive an email notification about the assignment of a task and from now on have the possibility to work on the task in their own task board.
In the Terminology Manager board, the task moves over to the 'Tasks in progress' column.
Close term request
As soon as all terminologists of a task have completed their work and finished it in their task board, the responsible terminology manager can release the finished terminology from the term editor for the database.
The terminologists' progress can be tracked by the terminology manager by means of the status in the task view.
In addition, the terminology manager can also see the current progress of the terminologists at any time in the term editor of the task and can also make changes here themselves at any time.
By clicking the button 'Complete task' in the task view, the terminology manager completes the task, and the finished terminology from the term editor is released in the term database.
Completed tasks are automatically deleted from the board after 10 days.