Terminology managers can use Lexeri to import CSV files containing terminology data.
To do this, you create tasks in the task board, upload the file, assign attributes in Lexeri and then edit and release the uploaded draft terminology.
Uploading a CSV file
To upload a CSV file, click on the Add button in the task board and then select ‘File Import’.
This creates a new task on the board containing the import.
Preparing data for import
Select the ‘Import Terms' tab in the task to assign the values from the CSV table to the correct data categories in Lexeri.
This opens a view showing all values from the file in tabular form. You can now select a category for each individual column under which it will be transferred to Lexeri.
If the first row contains the column headers from the table and you do not want to import them as values, simply check the box ‘First Row is the Header’ at the bottom of the view.
The first row will then be hidden and will not be imported.
Click on the Edit icon in the individual column to assign the attributes. ‘Do not Import’ is otherwise preselected for all columns.
This opens a form in which you can define the attribute or value that the table values in this column will receive in the Lexeri database.
You can also select all individual termbase attributes for the columns here.
Importing a value as a term
Selecting a ‘Term’ column as a value will open another form in which you can select the term language, term attribute usage status and word type in drop-down menus.
Importing and releasing the terminology
Once you have assigned an attribute or value to all columns you wish to import, click on ‘Import’ at the bottom of the view.
The terminology will now be imported according to the assignment of attributes and created in the task as a draft list. The entries are not yet released in the termbase.
You can then edit the terminology in draft form like a standard task and invite other users to contribute via the subtasks.
You can then release the terminology in the termbase by clicking on the ‘Release all Drafts’ button.