You can upload any kind of document you want to make available to users as an information source in the Reference Documents section of the termbase.
These may be style guides, orthographic rules, source documents for the terminology or other reference materials containing relevant information for the termbase.
To do so, go to the ‘Documents’ section in the termbase navigation.
This view shows a list of all documents that terminology managers have already added to the database. You can then edit these documents or add new ones.
Select ‘Add Document’ in the view to upload a document.
This opens an upload dialogue. You can then add your file by drag & drop or click on ‘Upload File’ to open a file selection dialogue.
Once the file is uploaded, you can define the document title that will be shown in the Lexeri document list and optionally add a description for your reference document.
The reference document and its description are then shown in the list and can be edited here, downloaded by other users (alternatively by clicking on the title) and deleted by terminology managers.