The current release is primarily characterized by the eagerly awaited Lexeri term extraction:
We have taken a long time to offer reliable automated term extraction from texts - with relevant candidates as well as easy selection and preparation of the candidates.
In this update, we are also rolling out the formatting function in other text fields and the ability to add links to websites.
Big News - Term extraction in Lexeri is finally here
Automated term extraction is particularly useful for building up an initial termbase, but also for extracting terminology from existing texts.
You will find the term extraction in the task board and can start it there by clicking on the Add button. A wide variety of file formats such as Word, PDF or Excel files are supported. For optimum results, we recommend longer texts in Word files.
Lexeri uses its NLP logic during the term checks of your documents to provide you with a list of term candidates that have potential to be a new term in the database, taking into account the context and some linguistic criteria.
The extraction interface offers a set of functions to systematically and playfully select, clean and prepare the candidates for the termbase.
Lexeri also learns from your previous choices and remembers rejected candidates, which will no longer be suggested to you in future extractions for this termbase.
We have also integrated a few smart extras, such as suggested neighboring terms and text occurrences which can be transferred directly to term entries as usage examples.
One of the next updates will also include term extraction via the plugins, allowing you to send the candidates directly from your open document to a task in Lexeri.
This finally makes term extraction suitable for everyday use and maybe even be fun :)
Other exciting new features in Lexeri:
Increasing the number of formattable text fields
We have now added text formatting to the description fields of all tasks in the quality dashboard.
Better referencing: Links in text fields
We have integrated the ability to link websites in attribute and other free text fields such as the definition in Lexeri. It is now possible to insert links to other websites and integrate them into the body of the text via a display text.
The simplified linking of Lexeri term entries via a typeahead search will follow shortly.
Workflow usability: Adopt task description as subtask briefing
To make workflow preparation a little easier, you can now simply click to include the general description of the task in the briefing for the subtasks in order to display it to the assigned terminologist.
Configurability: Individual attributes in the duplicate view
When creating an individual attribute, as terminology manager, you can now select whether it should be displayed in the duplicate view. This can provide assistance when making decisions about duplicates.