We have released the first version of our plugin for XMetaL Author.
XMetaL Author is a professional XML editor that is frequently used in technical writing, content management and document creation. It enables authors to edit XML-based documents. Many of our customers use XMetaL Author as an editor for the Quanos Schema ST4 content management system.
The plugin can be used to perform term checks on open XML documents, start term extractions or search the termbase.
You can download the plugin from our website: https://www.lexeri.com/loesungen/terminologie-pruefung/plug-ins/lexeri-xmetal-plugin-download You can find more information on installation in our Help Center article: https://support.lexeri.com/hc/de/articles/21811694897309-XMetaL-Author-Plugin or on our website: https://www.lexeri.com/loesungen/terminologie-pruefung/plug-ins/xmetal-author/
If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, please contact us at any time at: info@lexeri.com We look forward to your feedback!