With this update of Lexeri, we have further improved the term checks, among other things. These are now saved, can better recognise different spellings of terms and also function somewhat more efficiently with larger documents. Here are the most important changes in detail:
Saveable term checks
As soon as you create a new term check, it is saved together with the terms found in it and can be quickly retrieved later.
This means that even when checking larger documents, you can close the browser and continue working on the term check later without having to check the document again and without waiting.
The term checks are saved automatically. All saved term checks are now listed under "Term checks". To delete an existing term check, simply click on the delete icon in the list.
Term checks now recognise incorrect spellings of terms
With this update, Lexeri's term checks have also become a little more intelligent: assuming that there is a term "solar house" in your term database, the term checks can now also check spellings of it such as ”solar-house" and give you a warning.
The incorrect spellings are highlighted in purple in the PDF preview and terms found with incorrect spellings also display a purple warning in the list of terms found (see here for the term "solar house"):
The spelling recognition also works with different or missing hyphens or the use of a German ß instead of a double S, etc.
Improved highlighting of terms found in PDF previews
The PDF preview of the term checks has been improved and can now highlight those found more intelligently. For example, strings of letters in a word are no longer incorrectly marked as a found term.
Create new task without making a term request
As a terminology manager, you can now create a task yourself in the new Term requests Board without having previously submitted a term request. For this you will find a prominently placed button "Create new task" above the board: